Lubcha castle

Lubcha Castle is a great building having a long history, interesting present and beautiful nature around. Read more about the Castle!
The ghost of tycoon Jan Kishka and the return of the serpent The ghost of tycoon Jan Kishka was partially obliged by his appearance to the volunteers-restorers who worked on the restoration of the Lyubchansky castle. The ghost allegedly attentively and meticulously follows the work and can make a joke about someone who neglects or inadvertently mentions Jan Kishka in a conversation. Ian Kishka included Lyubchu in his land holdings in 1547. Spreading the ideas of Arianism, he opens in the town a prayer house, a school and a printing house. Later begins the construction of a stone castle.
Under Yana Kishka, Lyubcha received the Magdeburg right and its own coat of arms. It is not surprising that Kubka still takes care of his former possessions. It is said that in time, the ghost of the mighty dragon serpent, who defended the castle in ancient times and died during the siege, will return to Lubchu.
Under Yana Kishka, Lyubcha received the Magdeburg right and its own coat of arms. It is not surprising that Kubka still takes care of his former possessions. It is said that in time, the ghost of the mighty dragon serpent, who defended the castle in ancient times and died during the siege, will return to Lubchu.